CO Attorney General Phil Weiser Talks Lorie Smith/303 Creative Defense

Phil Weiser is the attorney general of the State of Colorado. His office is defending Colorado in the case of Lorie Smith/303 Creative's preemptive suit to try to ensure that she will not be forced to make web sites for same-sex weddings if she starts making web sites for weddings (which she wants to do.) I think the state's position is unconstitutional, immoral, and frankly disgusting. It is smiley-faced tyranny and I hope that SCOTUS smacks Colorado down. I don't trust John Roberts to do the right thing but if there will be a majority to do the right thing without him then I suspect he'll go along to show a 6-3 result rather than a 5-4 result. That said, if it's 4-4 without him, I suspect he'll either side with the left or try to tailor a ruling so narrow that it offers little or no help to Lorie and offers no precedent to other "creatives" who are routinely abused by the "you will bake the cake" left. Phil will defend the state's position in what I hope will be a spirited conversation.

Here’s the state’s position: State of Colorado to SCOTUS: State anti-discrimination law regulates business sales, not speech - Colorado Attorney General | Colorado Attorney General (

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