1/4/24 Blog: The Epstein List is Out, Plus We're Going to War Maybe

WILL BILL CLINTON STILL GET A PASS FROM THE MEDIA? I realize he's old and no one cares about him now but do you think the media will show any real interest in Bill Clinton being named over and over again in the newly released Epstein files? My guess is they will declare the whole thing a giant nothingburger because Trump was pretty much exonerated from participating in anything gross with Epstein as well. It's funny how #believeallwomen gets dropped when Clinton's name comes up. CNN does that here. They will never be held to account for the personal damage they have wrought, and I'm including Hillary in this as well as she's been protecting him for decades. Read more about the list here.

THE HOUTHIS HAVE BEEN PUT ON NOTICE The Hamas allied Houthis in Yemen have been giving a warning to stop their shenanigans in the Red Sea where they have been harassing and capturing ships trying to pass through shipping routes. Now the US and our allies, which includes Britain and about a dozen other nations, have sent their last warning to the Houthis and are threatening retaliation if the attacks don't stop. The statement was a strong one but we'll see if we actually follow through with it. I still remember Obama's "red line" in Syria that meant nothing. From the Wall Street Journal:

The Houthis soon turned their sights to commercial ships, including by using the same kind of ballistic missiles that Iran has provided to the group, U.S. intelligence says. Houthi officials have said they are aiming only at ships linked to Israel, but the Pentagon has tracked attacks on vessels flagged or owned in other countries.
Houthi attacks against international shipping have been carried out by drones, small boats and missiles, “including the first use of anti-ship ballistic missiles against such vessels,” the joint statement noted.
“We must not overlook the root of the problem: Iran has long enabled these attacks by the Houthis,” said Christopher Lu, a U.S. representative at the United Nations. “Iran has a choice here: It can continue its current course, or it can withhold its support, without which the Houthis would struggle to effectively track and strike commercial vessels navigating shipping lanes through the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.” 

Iran is using all these idiots to draw us in and I'm not sure they know what they are doing unless they are just trying to shore up things at home by poking the bear so they can be the "victims" of our aggression when we fight back. This is one to watch. I'm talking with Cliff May from the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies today at 12:30 about it. Find his newest column on it here.

TRUMP HAS OFFICIALLY APPEALED COLORADO'S BALLOT BAN And there is just no way the Supreme Court won't take this up. Read about it here.

Y'ALL, GEN Z NEEDS OUR HELP I don't know what we've done to this generation but they need some help and I think Gen X is the group to deliver it to them. This story of a woman who says she makes "six figures" working three jobs and is STILL not getting by is honesty ridiculous. In the comments when people pointed out she went to Ibiza in May and has her nails and lips done she defended herself which is a huge part of the dilemma. We've sold a bill of goods to this generation that is simply a fantasy. Today, Auntie M from Gen X is going to help them out. This could be a full time job in itself. This story about how Gen Z doesn't believe that $74k a year salary is "middle class" tells more of the story of how badly we've screwed these kids up.

NOW THE DOJ WANTS RAY EPPS IN JAIL Y'all this whole thing still stinks to high heaven if you ask me. Ray Epps, the man caught on camera the night before the January 6th riot urging people to go INTO the Capitol, was initially not charged by the DOJ for his role in the event. But then, they charged him with a misdemeanor as a way to placate all the people who kept asking why he was sent home scott free while others got real jail time for similar things. He promptly pleaded guilty to the charge expecting probation and a fine, but NOW the DOJ is asking for six months in jail. WHAT? Why that, why now? I don't trust anyone on this story.

DEMOCRATS DEMONSTRATE HOW THEY KEEP WINNING The latest vacancy committee meeting had one very telling note before another Democrat was appointed to another seat that had been vacated by a lawmaker who couldn't fulfill her duties. Read this bit, right here:

Both Clifford and Vaidya have filed to run for the HD37 seat in the June 25 primary, although they both pledged not to primary other candidates during the forum on Wednesday. 

There were three candidates being considered before the committee voted Chad Clifford into the HD-37, but the Democrats made them pledge NOT to primary one another if they didn't get chosen. This is a huge part of why they keep winning. Notice how many races for open seats don't have a ton of candidates on the Democrat side. They force people out before they have a chance to do any real damage. Republicans will never do this because they don't do "win at all costs" very well. Or at all.

WE NEED TO STOP WITH FAT PRIDE RIGHT NOW Obesity is a killer. That's not hyperbole, that's medical fact. According to a study by the Lancet, obesity shortens the lives of 500,000 people a YEAR. Heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer, and other illnesses are far more likely to strike if you're overweight. This is not made up to make people feel bad, it's the truth and one that we need to pay attention to. No one should be shamed for being overweight but to act like it's not a huge health issue is absurd. But now fat positivity is coming to Colorado, which is ironic because we are one of the leanest states in the country. This column talks about two bills being considered by our insane Legislature to make sure fat people aren't discriminated against until they die an early death from their obesity. From the column:

Colorado lawmakers are currently working on two weight discrimination bills for the upcoming legislative session. These bills aim to ban weight-based discrimination by employers and housing providers, as well as bullying in schools. One proposal includes weight in a strict anti-discrimination law, raising concerns among law firms in Colorado that it could enable individuals to sue their employers over a simple "disparaging" remark.
Ironically, this legislation moves forward while a comprehensive study conducted by Colorado University earlier this year revealed that one in six deaths in the US is related to excess weight or obesity.
The study highlighted that these conditions increase the risk of dying by anywhere from 22 to 91 percent. Professor Ryan Masters, who led the research, noted that the true impact of this public health crisis might be even greater than what studies have estimated thus far, considering the easy accessibility of cheap, unhealthy food and sedentary lifestyles.

If they pass this we need to start a Smokers Positivity Movement too. Smokers deserve love too! By the way, 30% of the population in Switzerland still smokes but no one is fat.

SHOULD PATIENTS BE ALLOWED TO DIE FROM ANOREXIA? My thoughts on assisted suicide for people suffering with terminal illnesses has definitely changed over the years. Raised Catholic I was taught suicide was a "mortal sin" that you can't recover from and therefore would keep you out of Heaven. But seeing loved ones suffering from horrible diseases with no cure has softened that view, as I now believe God made us and loves us even if we make choices others deem bad. This article, which is a long read, talks about whether or not moving someone with "uncurable" anorexia to palliative care is the right thing to do, and it makes the case well. Mental illness is a hard one for me, because my family has been touched by this in a significant way, but who I am to tell someone suffering that they must continue to suffer because I think they should? Isn't that the question, really?

SPEEDING IS KILLING AND INJURING COLORADANS And has taken over as the top cause of fatal and injury car accidents. In the metro Adams county took the top spot for speed related deaths.

WHAT WOULD YOU PUT ON DENVER'S 2024 BINGO CARD? This is a great topic idea I'm stealing from our friends at Fox 31. Let's make some predictions for what could come for Denver in 2024!

NEW NANODRONES ARE HERE TO FIGHT CANCER This is SO COOL and something we've talked about with our futurist Thomas Frey. A South Korean team of researchers has created tiny nanodrones that attract a cancer killing type of cell to attack and kill cancer cells. Read it here but this is amazing.

UHAUL SAYS PEOPLE ARE STILL MOVING HERE IN DROVES As we are in the top 10 for in migration according to their rental records. The top state is still Texas, and the states losing the most population are the blue states of California, Massachusetts, Illinois, New Jersey and Michigan.

HEY MILLENIALS, HOW ACCURATE IS THIS? Watch below or click here to see the latest "We're (Insert something here)" video, this one about Millenials. I see some truth here looking in from the outside.

DOLLY PARTON IS A NATIONAL TREASURE And this conversation about her is lovely.

KYRIE IRVING CONTINUES TO HATE ON THE JEWS This time over signs brought to a game by a group of Jewish men. The signs were small, but not small enough for Kyrie, who had security warn the man that they can't bring signs to courtside seats. The signs were not visible to the cameras, by the way. See below for more.

THIS IS WHY PEOPLE LOVE VIVEK I get it, I just don't trust him.


NEW JERSEY SAY NO THANKS TO MIGRANTS Only they said it more abrasively. New Jersey is sending cops to transit stations to put illegal immigrants on trains for New York City. You'd think Democrats could work together on the mess they created but Jersey won't play ball. Heh.

THE POST HOLIDAY WORK CONVERSATION, ABRIDGED This is freaking hilarious. Watch below or click here.

YOUR TOWN'S FACEBOOK PAGE IS JUST LIKE THIS ONE Because I know mine is. Watch below or click here.

THERE'S A MINECRAFT MOVIE COMING OUT And I thought Minecraft was where everything was pixelated so I'm not sure how this is going to look but Jason Momoa and Jack Black are in it so there's that.

THE UN CHOOSES A MAN TO REPRESENT WOMEN Of course they do, of course. In choosing a trans woman named Monroe Bergdorf as  a ‘Champion’ of UN Women’s UK, the UN once again favors a man over women. Lots of women's groups are steaming mad, especially because Monroe has a history of making nasty comments about actual women on social media. Read more here.

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