1/11/24 Blog: The Supreme Court Will Rule on Homelessness

IS IT AN 8TH AMENDMENT VIOLATION TO BAN SLEEPING ON THE STREETS? That is the question that was just heard by the US Supreme Court in a case called City of Grants Pass, Oregon v. Johnson. The city of Grants Pass in Oregon banned sleeping on the streets with so much as a blanket in an effort to get homeless people to move along. The people sued, and the 9th Circuit agreed with them. Grants Pass has appealed, and now the Supremes will make a huge ruling that will hopefully clarify what the responsibilities of cities trying to get homelessness under control can and can't do. This case is EXTREMELY important and I've got Mark Miller, Senior Attorney from the Pacific Legal Foundation on to discuss it at 1.

MEDICINE IS DOING AMAZING STUFF FOR PEOPLE WITH MUSCLE DISORDERS And my dear friend and former colleague here at Iheart Susan Reimann is going to join me to talk about it. Susan has Multiple Sclerosis and it's made it challenging for her to walk, but the new Cionic Neural Sleeve has given her back the ability to move freely. What does it do? From the company that makes it:

The Cionic Neural Sleeve is changing the lives of people with upper motor neuron conditions (multiple sclerosis, stroke, cerebral palsy, and more) drastically increasing their ability to walk, move and live independently. The Cionic Neural Sleeve operates under a person’s very own brain/body connection, algorithms sense and analyze individual movement and then direct stimulation to augment the correct muscles to create proper intended movement and improve walking.   

She joins me at 2:30 to talk about this. Find out more here.

WHAT PHRASE OR WORD INSTANTLY MAKES YOU EYEROLL? Someone asked this question on Twitter and the Babylon Bee gathered a bunch of the best ones here, but this is a game I want to play.

LAUREN BOEBERT IS OFFICIALLY CLEARED As cops say she did not punch her troubled ex in the face. At this point I might understand if she had, he seems out of control. Read more here.

I JUST REALIZED I FORGOT ABOUT THE DEBATE LAST NIGHT Sorry to anyone who wanted to check my tweets. I'll try to watch it before the show. Whoops. This review says Trump was the clear winner.

CHRIS CHRISTIE IS OUT OF THE RACE And this gives a boost to Nikki Haley as a lot of polling showed Christie's supporters picked her second. He isn't endorsing anyone and was caught trashing Haley on a hot mic, but he knows what those polls say too.

WE WON'T HAVE FRUIT STRIPE GUM TO CHEW FOR 20 SECONDS ANYMORE When I was a kid I could go through a pack of Fruit Stripe gum in about ten minutes. That's because the flavor only lasted about 45 seconds per stick, requiring you to shove another piece in your mouth to keep the fruit flavored sugar rush going. You may be able to find it at certain retailers before they run out but it's been discontinued. No one will miss this.

JP MORGAN CEO SAYS GET READY FOR THAT 70S SHOW ALL OVER AGAIN And the 70s were not a good era, other than disco and the Bicentennial. He says huge government spending, inflation and unemployment are on deck so get ready and plan accordingly.

THE HOUTHIS ATTACK AGAIN AND WE DO...NOTHING That's not quite accurate, we DID remind them of our earlier threats at the end of a tweet.

We've got an incompetent fool running the country. Or maybe he left a message for our Secretary of Defense, who was not available and forgot to put his "Out of Office" autoreply on his email. We are emboldening Iran at every turn. And I'm sure it's not a big deal that the Houthis are rerouting a ton of ships with these attacks. Oh wait...

And our Secretary of State is just handing out more empty promises.

Good thing the Biden Admin removed the Houthis from the "Foreign Terrorist List" two years ago to appease Iran. Well done.

WATCH THE CANADIAN GESTAPO IN ACTION The most unbelievable part of the exchange below is that as this Canadian goon arrests a reporter he knows the ENTIRE exchange is on camera and he just doesn't care.

DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE MURDER OF OVER 200 CHRISTIANS BY BOKO HARAM ISLAMISTS IN NIGERIA? Neither did I. So weird. This is a story on the massacre. Watch below for footage of what's left.

Where are the protests demanding these black Nigerians leave the land demanded by Boko Haram? Obviously Boko Haram believes the land should only be inhabited by Muslims, and isn't that exactly what's happening in Israel? Ooooh, the victims aren't Jewish oppressors, got it. Where is Michelle Obama when you need another #bringbackourgirls campaign? That was sarcasm.

A STARBUCKS/VOLVO PARTNERSHIP WILL BOOST EV CHARGING STATIONS I think this is a great idea. Volvo is teaming up with Starbucks to add charging stations at their locations from Denver to Seattle and everywhere in between. If this works for Starbucks expect to see other vendors do the same and then we're off the races in terms of making charging more reliable, which will go a long way towards easing range anxiety for consumers. Read it here.

A BATTERY FACING A RECALL MAY HAVE STARTED A FIRE Electric vehicles rely on huge batteries to work, but they are not without dangers as we see from this story about a house fire that seems to have started in a Jaguar electric vehicle whose battery was currently under recall. If you've got an electric vehicle and get any kind of notice about your battery, pay attention because it can burn your house down or at least cause a huge amount of smoke damage.

nd I'm not kidding. We need someone in that role who can do this. I'VE DECIDED VIVEK NEEDS TO BE THE CHAIR OF THE GOP I

I'VE DECIDED VIVEK NEEDS TO THE CHAIR OF THE GOP And I'm not kidding. We need someone in that role who can do this.

HIGHER ED DECLARED THESE THINGS RACIST IN 2023 And you have got to see this list because it's downright hilarious. Check it all here.

WHY LONG TERM MARRIAGES FALL APART As I read these, some of which are very sad, I see a lot of people who ignored a lot of little signs early that maybe could have been course corrected before they derailed the entire thing. Always work on your marriage. Always.

CANNABIS USE IS CAUSING PSYCHOSIS IN SOME TEENS And that can lead to a lifelong battle with paranoia, schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder. This is super serious. When I talk about my cousin who died of a drug overdose after becoming schizophrenic, I don't mention that he started smoking pot when he was a young teenager. I probably should. His father also started smoking pot at a young age with no mental issues, so don't think "oh I did without trouble" and think that's going to the same for your kids. Pot is different now. Share this article from the Wall Street Journal with your kids, please.

HAS POPE FRANCIS EVER TALKED TO A SURROGATE WOMAN? The Pope has come out strongly against surrogacy, saying it exploits the women who provide the service. This is not consistent with the women I know who have acted as a surrogate for another couple. They did it because they actually liked being pregnant (I know, right??) and they were happy to be able to help someone else's dream of having a child of their own come true. I know of two women who have done this and both are professionals with real jobs who didn't do it for the money. I think the Pope needs to talk to some of these women.

PRO RAPE AND MURDER PROTESTERS DISRUPT THE COLORADO LEGISLATURE And I'm calling them what they are, not "pro-Palestinian" protesters. They support Hamas and they are anti-Semitic lovers of baby killers and rapists. After they had their little fit, the House got back to business. Aholes, all of them. Oh, and that idiot Tim Hernandez showed up draped in his stupid PLO scarf. He apology was a total lie and he loves Hamas too. Idiot. Watch this and feel yourself being convinced. JK, these idiots only do this for self aggrandizement.

THE OLD TWO WALLET TRICK IS A GOOD ONE When you're traveling in an area where pickpockets and robbers are an issue this is a great idea. Watch below or click here. I bought a new travel bag for Switzerland and I love it SO MUCH because there is no way someone can pickpocket a bag I'm carrying on my chest. It's here if you want one.

THIS DUDE MAKES THE CASE THE NFL IS RIGGED And I have to say he's pretty convincing. THE VIEWS!! Watch below or click here.

FAUCI PROVES AGAIN HE'S AN OLD FOOL Who is more concerned with covering his own ass than doing the right thing. He actually said in closed door testimony that he's not convinced pandemic school shutdowns caused learning loss in children. Perhaps he should check in with Talkin Tia and find out.

BELICHICK IT OUT AS PATS HEAD COACH I guess it's easy to be seen as a genius when you've got the world's best QB on the team. He doesn't have that now and he's gone.

IT'S GONNA BE MAY PARODY YOU SHOULD WATCH Especially if you know NSYNC. Watch below or click here.

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