1/17/24 Blog: Another Double Standard, Catching Pedophiles, and More!

WHY IS AARON RODGERS TREATED DIFFERENTLY THAN WHOOPI GOLDBERG? It's a rhetorical question we all know the answer to and that's because Whoopi belongs to a protected class: Democrats. Our pal Christian Toto writes about it here and I'm chatting with him at 12:30 about it.

A GROUP THAT ACTUALLY CATCHES PEDOPHILE ONLINE And unlike the yahoo in Northern Colorado who does it for clicks, they work with law enforcement to get these people off the streets. The organization is called SOSA and you can find out more about them here. Watch old episodes of the now cancelled Undercover Underage show on Max or a whole bunch of other subscription services you can find here. I'm talking with Roo Powell today at 1 about what they do.

RICHARD HOLTORF IS RUNNING IN CD-4 And he's on today to talk about why as a current State Rep he wants to be in Congress and why he thinks he's the best choice. Find out more about him here!

I AM GIVING MAYOR MIKE CREDIT FOR THIS ONE Whether or not his House 1000 plan will work long term remains to be seen, as this editorial in the Denver Post asks, I am giving Mayor Mike Johnson credit for following through on his goals. Now we have the Yellow Vest Brigade (I named them that) working downtown to actively and daily work to make contact with the persistent homeless people who are service resistant. This is the kind of program that can actually get people into the help they need and it's staffed by people who have been there, either in jail or on the streets themselves. Read about it here.

I'M SAD TO MAYOR CLYDE GO I've met Mayor Clyde, he came to visit the show one day. Nevermind that he's a donkey, he was an outstanding mayor for Divide, Colorado. It's all part of a fundraiser for the animal shelter there and he's been term limited out so a new mayor is going to be chosen soon. It seems the favorite right now is a Japanese chin mix from Woodland Park but there is still time for other candidates to get in the race. Read it here.

TROUBLE WHEN IT COMES TO BORDER SECURITY IN CONGRESS Right now Senator are negotiating with Sen Chuck Schumer on a deal that I think will only make illegal immigration worse. In this story from CBS News I see nothing about increased border SECURITY which for me is where this all must start. Of course Mitch McConnell loves this deal and wants it to pass so he can give more money to Ukraine (which I'm not opposed to if they can account for the billions we've already given them) but Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has already said this is a non-starter for him and the House so why are we even pretending anything is going to get done? The good news is that Democrats in big cities are now paying the price for lax border policies and the Democrats know it. If they continue to let tons of people in it's going to drive voters away from the polls or even into Republican arms in the upcoming elections. That may be enough to get move them toward HR2, which is the GOP border bill that would actually do something. This is what the Senate is proposing:

HOW DESANTIS FAILED This is a deep dive into what went wrong with the DeSantis campaign and it's illuminating. I think that candidates need to trust their guts when it comes to being themselves, but you also need a sounding board of people who will tell you when you are wrong. He did not have that and it showed. Read it here.

SCHOOLS ARE NOW TEACHING KIDS TO LIE TO THEIR PARENTS Jimmy Sengenberger nails it in the column about a new bill being worked on by the Legislature that would force schools to call kids by whatever name they asked to be called by without parental permission. This just encourages more deceit by children with the school's encouragement, predicated on the notion that all parents would somehow become abusive if their kids struggled with gender identity. Read it here.

MIKE ROSEN SCHOOLS JOE BIDEN ON OUR REPUBLIC As he is prone to do, Mike Rosen brings the knowledge to try to help our President understand what sort of nation he is charge of. I don't think it will help but read it here, it's excellent.

NO, YOU DON'T NEED TO WARM UP YOUR CAR, PART 2 This one from the Denver Gazette, where they talked to AAA and they say it only takes less than a minute for modern cars to be ready to drive.

WATCHING THE NEWS CREATE CONFLICT IN MIXED POLITICAL RELATIONSHIPS There is nothing surprising about this to me. A new study of couples in a mixed political relationship showed that just watching the news created conflict and in some cases resulted in secrets being withheld from married partners when it comes to politics. I don't think I could date a liberal and know I couldn't be with a progressive. A moderate, sure. Read the study here.

THE CHINESE ECONOMY HAS SLOWED And quite dramatically from it's highs of almost 20% in the 70s. This could be very good news for Taiwan, although I can see the Chi-Coms deciding that war would be good for business. They also LOST population for the second year in a row, which could spell disaster going forward. Read more here.

CHINESE SCIENTISTS ARE MESSING WITH AN EVEN MORE DEADLY VIRUS And this doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy as they let Covid escape from a lab and this new virus has a 100% kill rate in humanized mice. Read it here and then prepare for the worse, although how do you prepare for a highly contagious virus that kills in eight days? Where in the UN on stuff like this? Why isn't the UN Security Council meeting to condemn this sort of research? I'm being genuine here.

HOW TO GET A HEAD IN GRAND JUNCTION Apparently you just have to buy the right house, where a human head was found in a freezer in the yard. Yikes.

THE BEST SIDE OF SOCIAL MEDIA HELPS ONE RESTAURANT Running a restaurant is hard and one restaurateur was losing his mojo after opening his small restaurant in Cap Hill three months ago. On a whim his wife posted a video to TikTok asking for support and the word got out and boy did people come! Watch the story here and visit the restaurants website here.

SEVEN EXAMPLES OF RIDICULOUS GOVERNMENT WASTE And this makes my head explode but it's only going to get worse as Republicans seem just fine borrowing and borrowing to fund their stuff now too. There is no party of fiscal responsibility because that doesn't buy elections.

WHY WON'T BIDEN MAKE THE HOUTHIS TERRORISTS? The Biden Administration is changing the official status of the Houthis again. After removing them from the Foreign Terrorist Organization list, which comes with serious penalties for doing business or supporting, he is not making them Specially Designated Global Terrorists, which DOESN'T come with any real teeth. This post on X explains:

The AP bends over backwards here to explain why Biden was right to remove these terrorists from the FTO category, but it's all claptrap and nonsense. Why are we giving any support, humanitarian or otherwise, to a group that wants nothing more than to kill us? For real?

A BLACK PASTOR CALLS OUT DEI And this is a must read about how these Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion grifts do more harm than good for those living in poverty in predominantly black neighborhoods run by gangs. Read this:

But what truly bothered me was that these diversity initiatives, especially the latest DEI version, blamed the failures of my neighborhood on white supremacy. Red-lining and block-busting certainly played a role in defining our neighborhood—a negative role. But the reality is that my community has been bombarded with one liberal policy after another since the 1960s.
We were encouraged to move out of our homes—many admittedly not in good condition, but which we owned—and into housing projects where we had zero equity. Man-in-the-house rules broke apart too many families. Our schools produced far too many illiterates. For decades, our culture celebrated and rewarded Black deviancy, as shown on countless rap videos. The only way too many of our children know how to buy food is with Uncle Sam’s dollar. All the while, government officials and nonprofit overseers whispered sweet nothings into our ears while getting paid.

Read the rest here.

WOULD YOU EAT THESE? I'd eat all of them except the Pop rocks pickle thing because that sounds totally disgusting. Find weird fair foods here.

NOW SOME EXTREMELY POLARIZING FOOD OPTIONS Like the pop rocks pickle from above, although how is Ranch polarizing?

BRING BACK JET PACK MAN! For the Super Bowl halftime show that is.

A CONCEPT CAR THAT DRIVES SIDEWAYS Thus solving the tiny space parallel park dilemma. Watch below or click here.

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