Mon Blogcast: Airline safety and air traffic control; Sen Tom Cotton

Today's Guests

Andy Watson is one of a small number of people who is both a former commercial pilot and a former air traffic controller.

The Pilot's Guide to Air Traffic Control (


Senator Tom Cotton is the junior senator from Arkansas. He's a former US Army officer including having had the honor of serving in the Old Guard, the Army unit that protects Arlington National Cemetery and the Tomb of the Unknown. His book about that experience is called Sacred Duty: A Soldier's Tour at Arlington National Cemetery

Tom has been on a roll lately going after ESG investing (Environmental, Social, Governmental). I couldn't agree with him more. ESG is a combination of leftist attack on critical sectors of the economy and a money-grab. Cotton Demands Answers from BlackRock About Involvement with Climate Action 100+, Potential Antitrust Violations (

We'll also talk about his thoughts on Joe Biden's trip to the Middle East, about how the Senate is functioning (or not) right now, and I will probably have to ask him a question he won't answer: whether he's likely to run for president.

If I have time I'll ask about this wacky story: A North Dakota City Attracted a Corn Mill. Then Came Questions About Its Chinese Owners. - The New York Times (

And maybe this: The idea of giving over $50 billion of taxpayer money to some of the world's biggest and most successful technology companies strikes me as outrageous rent-seeking.

Other Stuff

Wow: In this context, the word "treason" means a lot more than when it's more casually tossed around: Ukraine's president fires spy chief and top state prosecutor | Reuters


Good guy with a gun: 3 killed in Indiana mall shooting; gunman shot by armed civilian | The Hill


What he said: GOP governor criticizes Trump-backed candidates in Arizona, Pennsylvania | The Hill


When she's right, she's right: Trump Education secretary says ‘Department of Education should not exist’ | The Hill


Don't let climate alarmists tell you that South Pacific islands are about to be erased by rising seas: Pacific Sea Level and Geodetic Monitoring Project - Monthly Sea Level and Meteorological Statistics (


Does it seem like there are fewer gas stations? It's not your imagination:

California cities banning new gas stations amid climate change - Los Angeles Times (


What's an officer to do? Denver police injure 5 bystanders in LoDo while shooting man who allegedly pointed gun at officers (


There's always someone who will try something. What's amazing is that this guy isn't the first: Colorado Springs man pushes peanut with his nose to Pikes Peak summit (


Yuge...for bird(ing) enthusiasts! Rare yellow rail bird found in Colorado for first time in over 100 years (


I don't care about celebrities or celeb gossip but I kinda like this story: Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck wed in Las Vegas drive-through


I don't know if Skittles are fit for human consumption but it probably is a much bigger question than one ingredient: Lawsuit claims that Skittles are 'unfit for human consumption' | Fox Business


Interesting (and a little depressing) article about why the military is having such a hard time recruiting, although it neglects the fact that many folks who might be militarily-inclined are likely quite turned off by persistent woke indoctrination in our armed forces:


376 officers: Uvalde report: 376 officers but ‘egregiously poor’ decisions | AP News

Today's Videos

I understand why the boy was scared but this is still cool...

Just for a chuckle, here's dancing grandpa

There's a world record for world record for suctioning soda cans to a person's head. Seriously. You gotta listen to the guy's explanation for how he can do this.

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