9/7/23 Blog: We Don't Leave Our Hometowns, A Convention of States, And More

WE DON'T REALLY MOVE THAT FAR FROM HOME I am one of those people who left my hometown as soon as possible. I couldn't wait to explore the world and find my way and didn't think I could do that there. That being said, when I go back I am very grateful that people stayed. I've got a guest today about a new survey that shows MOST of us do NOT move away, and if we do, we don't move far. Allison Hadley from AllStarHomes.com joins me today at 1 to talk about it.

WHAT IS A CONVENTION OF STATES AND WHY DO WE NEED IT? A Convention of States is a meeting of state legislatures to propose amendments to the Constitution and one group says it past time to make this happen. I'll talk to Vivian Garcia and John Graboski from the Convention of States organization today, find out more by clicking here. You can join the Facebook group here.

COMEDIAN LIL REL AT 2:15 TODAY If you saw Free Guy, he played Ryan Reynolds best buddy and cop friend. He's playing this weekend at Comedy Works, buy your tickets to see him here.

I NEED FANTASY FOOTBALL HELP In a fit of optimism I signed up to play in our work fantasy football league. I'm not a total novice, but I haven't been in a league in about fifteen years. I stopped playing because the entire process was too time consuming. Why I signed up I have no clue, but I need someone to manage my team for me. I'll split the winnings if we win and I already paid the fee. Help a sister out, fantasy football nerds! Oh, and my best player is Travis Kelce, just so you know what you're up against.

A REALLY FAIR ARTICLE ON DENVER'S BROWN CLOUD We all know our air quality is not great sometimes and you can see the "brown cloud" hanging over the city on occasion. Our air quality took huge hits the past few years when we were dealing with California's and our own wildfires as well. This article talks about our air quality but does a good job in recognizing a huge part of it is our topography and that we've had that brown cloud since way before the first Model T hit the roadways. Read it here.

NO ONE LIKES THE DENVER SCHOOL BOARD That's not ENTIRELY accurate as 30% of deaf, dumb, and blind people think they are doing a good job. Just kidding, I don't want to offend deaf, dumb, and blind people by implying they like the school board. The Board is seen negatively by a whopping 50% of respondents, but how much you want to bet the union gets their people re elected? Read more here and vote accordingly.

SHOULD TRUMP BE ON THE BALLOT IN COLORADO? One group says no and they've filed a lawsuit to make sure he isn't on the ballot. They are arguing that the 14th Amendment, which was designed to keep Confederates from running for high office, prevents Trump from being eligible to be on the ballot as he engaged in "an insurrection or rebellion". Though I admire their moxie, I don't think you can make this argument as Trump hasn't been convicted of any such thing and one man's protest is another man's insurrection. I'm gonna get Krista Kafer, one of the plaintiffs, on the show tomorrow to discuss. Read about it here.

PARENTS ARE DONE WITH ADMINISTRATORS WHO LET DANGEROUS KIDS IN SCHOOLS And one parent group is trying to get three administrators removed after a student wanted for multiple crimes was arrested trying to enroll in Thomas Jefferson High School. The student was wanted for a robbery that involved a shooting, and three administrators overruled the school's decision to suspend the kid indefinitely. The parents are demanding a change that I can't even believe they need to ask for, that that is that students charged with rape or gun possession be hit with mandatory, yearlong suspensions. How is that not already the policy??? Here is the background on the story.

SCUMBAG FRAUDSTER USES GOD TO TRICK PEOPLE I hate people like this for so many reasons. A man doing business as Holy Ground Tiny Homes and Revelations in Christ Ministries stole people's money they thought was going to pay for a tiny home. He spend the money on race cars, trips to Vegas and other decidely I hate people like this. A man working under the company name Holy Ground Tiny Homes and Revelations in Christ Ministries turned out to be a con artist who stole money that people paid for tiny homes he never delivered. Instead, he spent their money on trips to Vegas, race cars and other decidedly NOT Godly purposes. I hope he goes to jail, although he filed for bankruptcy protection and that is how all this came out. How is this not fraud? He seems to be claiming bad management skills but this clearly looks like fraud to me.

THE WESTERN SLOPE MAY HAVE CRACKED THE CAR THEFT CODE This is a great article about how good police work in one area solves a problem in another. This time we're talking car thefts, which Mesa County realized were almost always attached to some other property crime. Read it here.

ABORTION IS GOOD IS THE NEW DEMOCRAT SLOGAN And I'm not engaging in hyperbole here. They are selling tshirts that actually SAY Abortion is Good on them. Even if you are staunchly pro-choice I hope you find this ghoulish and disgusting. When you have an abortion you are ending a human life, and that is not something to celebrate, no matter what the reason.

OUR LEGISLATURES ANTI-BUSINESS MEASURES ARE TAKING HOLD And now 48% of business owners surveyed in Colorado say regulations are the biggest problem they face. We're not talking about massive polluters trying to give us dirty air and water, we're talking mom and pop businesses who are being regulated OUT of business by the never ending onslaught of new regulations. Read about it here.

THIS GIRL HAS ISSUES I have sounds that annoy me, but none to this level. Watch below or click here.


TOM BRADY TEAMS UP WITH....DELTA? This is weird but okay. Tom Brady has been hired by Delta Airlines as long term strategic adviser. I don't even know what to say here.

THIS KID IS A LITERAL WEED WACKER he's certainly got the sound down perfect. And the checking of the line. Watch below or click here.

HOW TO RAISE A HAPPY WELL ADJUSTED CHILD This list is so simple that it seems crazy to need to print it, but parenting has changed dramatically. However they left out the most important one of all: give your child chances to fail and figure things out. We spend too much time "helping" our kids with every aspect of their lives and they have no time to build resilience and grit and determination and self worth.

RAND PAUL AGREES WITH MY DIAGNOSIS OF MITCH MCCONNELL I've said repeatedly that it fully looks like Mitch McConnell is having seizures when he freezes during press conferences and now I have a doctor who agrees with me. Rand Paul says the same thing.

FLORIDA MAN TRIES TO HAMSTER WHEEL ACROSS THE ATLANTIC The headline is entirely accurate, read about this man's sad attempt here.

SHUTTING THE GOVERNMENT DOWN SOUNDS GOOD TO ME this is a GREAT story on the once again totally unnecessary looming government shutdown because Congress refuses to do its damn job. One of the promises Kevin McCarthy made to get the Speakership was to go back to regular order when it came to passing appropriations bill. He's about to break that promise and the genuine patriots of the House Freedom Caucus are gearing up to hold him to that promise or shut down the government. I'm okay with shutting it down.

NEW YORK MAYOR ERIC ADAMS SAYS ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION WILL DESTROY NEW YORK CITY Funny that when Texas and Arizona and other southern states were sounding the alarm about illegal immigrants New York couldn't wait to virtue signal it's status as a Sanctuary City. Now those chickens are in the city to roost and this is what he has to say now. Too bad he's not asking why the Biden Administration to secure the southern border.

A NEW POLL SHOWS TROUBLE FOR BIDEN The most interesting thing about this poll is that the only Republican to beat Joe handily is Nikki Haley. I find that very interesting and I'd expect to see ads for her at some point (if she can raise any money) touting that. Read it here. This is a fun column from MSNBC helping liberals avoid a complete meltdown over the news.

THINK TWICE ABOUT ARTIFICIAL GRASS I've been looking at artificial grass for part of my backyard and then I read this. Now I'm definitely reconsidering.

A CONSTITUTION FOR TEENAGE HAPPINESS The Free Press did an essay contest for teenagers and this is the winning essay. (I linked to the two runners up in a recent blog) I can't wait to show this to Q. What a great essay. Read it here.

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